Wendy O. Williams / PlasmaticsMaggots: The Record

  1. Overture
  2. You're A Zombie
  3. The White's Apartment
    - The Full-Meal Diner
  4. The Day Of The Humans Is Gone
  5. The Central Research Laboratory
    - Valerie And Bruce On The Phone
  6. Destroyers
  7. The White's Apartment
    - Bruce's Bedroom
  8. Brain Dead
  9. The White's Apartment
    - Bruce's Bedroom
  10. Propagators
  11. The White's Bedroom
    - Fire Escape
  12. Finale
Plasmatics Media (Canada) WOW 105

SE が多く、演奏部分が少ない。人類滅亡に引っかけて、デスメタルをやりたかったのだと思うが、ハズレ。